Currency exchange services

Dice Empire FX exchanges currency (including but not limited to CAD, USD, EUR, GBP) received from its clients for foreign currencies (e.g., XAF, XOF, and NGN). We also facilitate the sending of international EFTs on behalf of foreign clients to affiliated companies based in Target Jurisdictions

Get our rates

Tell us which currency you have, which currency you want to buy, and we'will send you personalized quote and payment options to choose from.

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Buy foreign currency

Order the currency you need online for our very best rates. Pick up in store or get it delivered to your home.


Currency converter

Use our free currency converter. Get accurate and reliable foreign exchange rates.


Get the Dice Empire Fx edge.


Multiple payment instruments, to help you take control of how you get paid.


Simple client integrations and secure client portal to easily view transaction status and reports.


Take advantage of competitive FX rates across multiple currencies


An extra layer of security and protection with unique codes for reoccurring payments

Seize every opportunity for your business.

Seize this opportunity to take your business to the next level with us through our partner businesses and numerous payment technologies which will provide you with the global reach you need for speedy and seamless transactions in order to grow your business.

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Contact info

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Our Address

1003-1235, Bayly St, Pickering, Ontario L1W 1L7 Canada

Contact Info

Open a chat or give us call at
233-47-61-23 / +1 (647) 700-8467

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